List of ancient Egyptian Pharoah kings

The first Pharaohs & their kings.

Firstly let's define who is the pharaoh and the origin of word pharaoh, 

Pharaohs were the king or Queen of Egypt. Most pharaohs were men but some well-known pharaohs, like Nefertiti and Cleopatra, were women.
A Pharaoh was the foremost important and powerful person within the kingdom. He was the top of the govt and high priest of each temple. The people of Egypt considered the pharaoh to be a half-man, half-god & The Pharaoh owned all of Egypt.


Interesting fact.

The ancient Egyptians didn't ask their Kings as Pharaohs. The word Pharaoh comes from the Greek language and was employed by the Greeks and Hebrews to ask the Kings of Egypt. Today, we also use the word Pharaoh when pertaining to the kings of Egypt.

Did King Mina ( Narmer ) was the first ancient Egypt king?

First Know pharaoh of Egypt was Narmer (sometimes called Menes), who united Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. He was the primary king of the primary Dynasty, the start of the Old Kingdom.

Egypt was once divided into two kingdoms. the dominion in Lower Egypt was called the red crown and therefore the one in Upper Egypt was referred to as the white crown.

Around 3100 B.C. the pharaoh of the north conquered the south and Egypt became united. The pharaoh's name was King Narmer (Menes). He founded the primary capital of Egypt where the 2 lands met. it had been called Memphis. (Thebes became subsequent capital of Egypt then Amarna was made the capital during the reign of King Akhenaten.)

The story of Ancient Egypt begins from when the north and therefore the south were united together country under the primary pharaoh Menes.

 The above means that there were Kings before King Mina ( Narmer ), What are their names, and what about their history and their monuments.

In fact, we don't have much idea about the previous kings before the great King Mina, as there weren't any discovered monuments or tombs discovered yet for them.

the only thing that mentioned their names and kept their history and delivered our knowledge about them is Palermo stone and hereunder the names mentioned on the stone before king Mina, And here is the list of the predynastic period.
Lower Egypt Kings sorted as per Palermo stone.

1- Hedju Hor Around 3250 BC.
2- Ny-Hor Around 3250–3200 BC.
3- Hsekiu / Seka.
4- Khayu.
5- Tiu.
6- Thesh / Tjesh.
7- Neheb.
8- Wazner Around or earlier than 3180 BC.
9- Hat-Hor Around 3180 BC.
10- Mekh.
11- Double Falcon Maybe ruled for upper Egypt.
12- Wash known from King Narmer palette Around 3150 BC.

Upper Egypt Kings sorted as per Palermo stone.

1- Gazelle Around 3250–3200 BC.
2- Finger Snail ( Doubt of existence ).
3- Fish Around 3250–3220 BC.
4- Elephant Around 3240–3220 BC.
5- Animal, Stork, Canide, Bull  are most likely never existed.
6- Scorpion I First ruler of Upper Egypt, Around 3250–3200 BC.

 Dynasty 0 Kings.

1- Iry-Hor Around 3170 BC.
2- Crocodile Around 3170 BC.
3- KA Maybe read Sekhen Around 3170 BC.
4- Scorpion II May be Narmer himself Around 3170 BC.

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