Egyptian Symbols and Their Meanings

 Egyptian Symbols & Languages.

The language of Egypt is full of symbols and complicated diagrams. Egyptology is the study of the language and the land of Egypt. It is very interesting to know how the ancient Egyptians communicated. The mysterious symbols actually make it even more interesting to know. Even today these symbols are found inside the tombs of the pharaohs and queens who ruled Egypt. They reveal several things about the nation, culture, medical practices, history, and the society in Egypt.

Ankh, for example, is one of the Egyptian symbols that is seen in the hands of the gods. It means they have an eternal life. Basically it symbolizes life.

Ba is used to personify or describe the personality of someone. Ba can also be the spirit of a person because it leaves the body after the person dies.

Amenta means the land of the dead or the underworld. It could also be the western banks of Nile where the dead were buried.

Shenu means a cartouche and the loop will contain a name inside.

The Primordial hill means the pyramids and it could also mean the primordial hill that emerged from the sea of chaos during the creation of the world.

The Eye of the Horus means royal power and protection.

Scarab is the symbol of the dung beetle. It could also mean spontaneous creation or immediate birth.

Ouroboros looks like a snake that is swallowing its own tail. It means the symbol of completeness or totality. It could also symbolize the entire concept of birth, life, and death.

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